11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

11.2 Areas of Regular Polygons
Interesting Reading - basically, add up the triangles!

11.3 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
Scale Factors! (S.F.)
Perimeter of Big Shape = Perimeter of Small * S.F. PB = PS*SF
Area of Big Shape = Area of Small * SF * SF Ab = As*SF^2
Can you guess the relationship for volumes?

11.4 Circumference and Arc Length
π = C/d ~ 3.14 (Remember the rolling CDs?)
C = πd = 2πr
For ArcLengths, just take the ratio of the arc versus the circle (°/360)
ArcLength = (°/360)*C = (°/360)*πd = (°/360)*2πr

11.5 Areas of CIrcles and sectors
Just like with arcs, except now we're doing area
A = πr^2
Area of sector = (°/360)*πr^2

11.6 Geometric Probability
(ummm, can you say ratios?)

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