11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

11.2 Areas of Regular Polygons
Interesting Reading - basically, add up the triangles!

11.3 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
Scale Factors! (S.F.)
Perimeter of Big Shape = Perimeter of Small * S.F. PB = PS*SF
Area of Big Shape = Area of Small * SF * SF Ab = As*SF^2
Can you guess the relationship for volumes?

11.4 Circumference and Arc Length
π = C/d ~ 3.14 (Remember the rolling CDs?)
C = πd = 2πr
For ArcLengths, just take the ratio of the arc versus the circle (°/360)
ArcLength = (°/360)*C = (°/360)*πd = (°/360)*2πr

11.5 Areas of CIrcles and sectors
Just like with arcs, except now we're doing area
A = πr^2
Area of sector = (°/360)*πr^2

11.6 Geometric Probability
(ummm, can you say ratios?)

Monday 4/27

Period 7 – Geometry (10th graders)
Students please separate into FIVE groups of up to four, and have each group sit at a table – there needs to be FIVE groups.

Assign each group a number (1,2,3,4,5)

Each group must prepare whiteboard(s) that demonstrate how to solve the problems associated with their chapter section (determined by the group numbers assigned above) in the Chapter 10 review (pp.650-652)

Group 1 does 10.1, Group 2 does 10.2, etc.

When 20 minutes remain, each group should present their answers, photobooth and post their whiteboards to the class discussion page.

Thank you!

Interior and Exterior Angles in a Polygon (~Chapter 11.1)

Ch.11.1 - We have some notes on how to find the number of interior degress in a n-gon
and some notes on the how to find the measure of an angle in a regular n-gon
and we did a little project demonstrating how the exterior angles in a convex n-gon always add up to 360°

HW - Problems 1,3,4,5,6,7,13,36,58,67
OR fasten in the exterior angles project and write up a claim based on your evidence with detailed reasoning

interior degrees = (n-2)180
regular interior angle = (n-2)(180)/n
exterior degrees = 360
exterior regular angle = 360/n

Popsicle Stix Bridge

Build a bridge out of standard popsicle sticks (from Michael's)

The Parameters:
You can have a partner
Must span 24 inches
100 (or less) stix
Only Elmers Glue and/or Rubber Cement
Decorations CANNOT add structural support
DO NOT TOUCH other people's bridges

The Scoring Rubric:
70% if it Spans and holds the bucket
+1% for every 100g added to the bucket
more than 3kg = extra credit!

Congrats to JW and TR for their winning bridge design! It held 50kg --> 110 pounds!
(That's a big basket, two bowling balls, every mass in the class, and three Algebra books too!)