W 2/3/09 Sub Instructions

Will someone please take the initiative to show this to the sub?

Students know that their assignments are to:
1) Complete the bellwork quiz* (finish by 10:05 or 1:45)
2) Work on their homework
3) Work on posting their solutions (this is new technology, some students may require assistance)
4) Bathroom passes may be issued at your discretion
5) Please take attendance in the orange sub folder

Thank you!

*Some notes on the bellwork quizzes:
The quizzes are posted on this blog (chapmangeometry.blogspot.com)
All resources are valid (books, computers, neighbors, etc)
Students have five minutes (8:05, 9:05, 10:05 or 1:45) to turn in their work
they then have five minutes (8:10, 9:10, 10:10, or 1:50) to whiteboard their solutions
and then have five minutes (8:15, 9:15, 10:15 or 1:55) for each group to present
followed by independent academic time
Usually we grade the quizzes during presentations, but I'll just take care of that upon my return.

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