Week 8 (2/23-27)

Happy AIMS week to everyone!

Mon - P.3 will start section 9.1, P.7 Mr. Chapman is off-campus, so take some time to:
1) do the bellwork quiz (see picture below)
2) check your grades
3) Finish old work & bring online posting up to date
4) CLEAN THE ROOM! Chairs can be left down as there is a meeting this afternoon in the room.

Tue/Wed = AIMS, so I'll only see you once

Thu = 9.2 - Pythagorean Theorem
See here for some Pythagorean Triples

Fri = Phix it Phriday

Click on the picture to make it bigger

Week 7 (2/16-2/20)

Mon - Celebrate our Presidents!
Tue - Mousetrap Cars Due!!! Can you make it to the playoffs?
Wed - Community Service Opportunities
Thu - Using Triangles to solve some real problems, like egg drops
(juniors - we also learned some circular secrets - arcs, sectors, etc.)
Fri - Quiet Work day

--> Mouse Trap Car Drag Races --> Winner was Jake!!!
Congrats to our Runners up, Miranda and Michael G
Fri - Quiet Work Day

Hmmmm, lots to do :-)

Week 6 (2/9-2/13)

Mousetrap cars are due next week (2/17 = Tuesday!)

MON - BWQ (use the M1M2M3M4 numbering scheme), 8.4
TUE - BWQ 8.5
WED - BWQ 8.6
THU - BWQ 8.7
FRI - Fix BWQ, Makeups

Week 5 (2/2-2/6)

Nice work this week, we've started posting for chapter 8, set up our bellwork quiz procedures, and had our fix-it Friday

MON - BWQ, 8.1
TUE - BWQ, 8.2
WED - BWQ, sub, work on posting, cars, or blokus
THU - BWQ, 8.3
FRI - No BWQ, fix BWQ, Chance to retake a section test

Bellwork Quiz for W 2/3/09

You know the drill (please show it to the sub!)
Complete & Turn in the quiz by 9:05
Complete Whiteboards by 9:10
Finish presenting by 9:15
5 min to √ homework

W 2/3/09 Sub Instructions

Will someone please take the initiative to show this to the sub?

Students know that their assignments are to:
1) Complete the bellwork quiz* (finish by 10:05 or 1:45)
2) Work on their homework
3) Work on posting their solutions (this is new technology, some students may require assistance)
4) Bathroom passes may be issued at your discretion
5) Please take attendance in the orange sub folder

Thank you!

*Some notes on the bellwork quizzes:
The quizzes are posted on this blog (chapmangeometry.blogspot.com)
All resources are valid (books, computers, neighbors, etc)
Students have five minutes (8:05, 9:05, 10:05 or 1:45) to turn in their work
they then have five minutes (8:10, 9:10, 10:10, or 1:50) to whiteboard their solutions
and then have five minutes (8:15, 9:15, 10:15 or 1:55) for each group to present
followed by independent academic time
Usually we grade the quizzes during presentations, but I'll just take care of that upon my return.

Bellwork Quiz for T 2/2/09

Set up a new Blue Sheet