Final Review Tips & Hints

Q1 - think 90° (3x + 4x-9 = 90)
Q2 - Think opposite directions, same starting place
Q3 - it's in da plane, in Spain, in the rain
Q4 - in the middle (of x and y)
Q5 - 10x + 12 = ?
Q6 - 3x+3 and x+21 = what magic #
Q7 - the same
Q8 - 180
Q9 - draw it
Q10 - 180
Q11 - think 90
Q12 - same slope
Q13 - hmmm, look at the slopes
Q14 - are they all big enough?
Q15 - know it
Q16 - problem is a typo - let it go
Q17 - inverse negative slopage
Q18 - 180
Q19 - learn it
Q20 - isosceles
Q21 - pythag
Q22 - bigger = bigger
Q23 - 180 180 180
Q24 - syllogisms
Q25 - bigger = bigger
Q26 - see Q25
Q27 - be logical
Q28 - go in order
Q29 - the one that makes it untrue
Q30 - vertical angles
Q31 - mark ABC across the bottom
Q32 - transitive - one to the other
Q33 - equal
Q34 - be careful
Q35 - look it up
Q36 - 360
Q37 - averages
Q38 - be logical
Q39 - look it up
Q40 - the same the same the same

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