Happy break everyone!

(Semester Grades are posted - hope you earned the grade you were aiming for!)

Remember, you'll need a new notebook for next semester.

Oh, and some hints for Spring semester....
What goes around...
Keep folding

Final Review Tips & Hints

Q1 - think 90° (3x + 4x-9 = 90)
Q2 - Think opposite directions, same starting place
Q3 - it's in da plane, in Spain, in the rain
Q4 - in the middle (of x and y)
Q5 - 10x + 12 = ?
Q6 - 3x+3 and x+21 = what magic #
Q7 - the same
Q8 - 180
Q9 - draw it
Q10 - 180
Q11 - think 90
Q12 - same slope
Q13 - hmmm, look at the slopes
Q14 - are they all big enough?
Q15 - know it
Q16 - problem is a typo - let it go
Q17 - inverse negative slopage
Q18 - 180
Q19 - learn it
Q20 - isosceles
Q21 - pythag
Q22 - bigger = bigger
Q23 - 180 180 180
Q24 - syllogisms
Q25 - bigger = bigger
Q26 - see Q25
Q27 - be logical
Q28 - go in order
Q29 - the one that makes it untrue
Q30 - vertical angles
Q31 - mark ABC across the bottom
Q32 - transitive - one to the other
Q33 - equal
Q34 - be careful
Q35 - look it up
Q36 - 360
Q37 - averages
Q38 - be logical
Q39 - look it up
Q40 - the same the same the same

Finishing the Semester

Friday - All notebook work due (Geometry and Small Sections)
Monday - Time to review
Tuesday - Turn in online tests here
Wednesday/Thursday - Geometry Final Exam (last day to hang up/turn in your presentation project)

Dead Week

A good week to make sure we're all caught up on our work and that we know our stuff.

Each day during class complete one of the first six online chapter tests (take a screenshot when you finish - command-shift-3 - and turn them in to Mr. Chapman's drop box). If you are having trouble, be sure to refer to the online lesson quizzes for help.

Please name your files appropriately (Pat Ch02, etc.) before you drop them in the inbox.

Week 17

Let's finish up our text chapter assignments for the semester:
p109-110 6.5 N&O
p111-112 6.6 N&O
p113-114 6.7 N&O