Happy Summer!

Alas, another year of schooling has come to an end. Hopefully it was a fruitful one for you, in which you chose to challenge yourself and expand your thinking and knowledge. See you next year!

Oh, and semester grades are now posted!

Happy summer :-)

Finals Week

Monday = one last session to go over the latest indications of your mastery levels.
Use this time wisely to help prepare yourself for the final exam.

Any online postings must be turned in MONDAY by the end of class (after that you won't have your computer anyways...)

TUESDAY (third period) and WEDNESDAY (7th period) = FINALS
Any remaining math homeworks, etc. must be turned in at the START of the period designated for your final. No notebook turned in at that time = zero. Sorry, no exceptions, this is the longest I can give you!

Dead Week! (Finals are next week)

This week is all about mastery:

flesh out your self-evaluations (more copies below), and make sure to get credit for your completed assignments.

Chapter 12

You have a set of investigations regarding volume and surface area to complete (4 pages - click below if you need more copies)

Then, pick 10 questions from each section for homework (12.1-12.7)

That's it!

We'll review a bit during these last days of class, and perhaps continue our talks about why geometry matters (it's more than just a grade)...