Week 12 - AIMS Testing

Mon - Happy Chavez Day!

Tue - P.3 = 10.2, P.7 = Chat about AIMS Stuph

Wed - AIMS Math

Thu - AIMS Science

Fri - Phix it Phriday

Week 11

This week we'll be finishing chapter 9 and introducing Chapter 10.1

Friday is test/phix it day. Make sure to turn in your academic goal sheet to your first hour instructor(s).

Week 10 Details

Welcome back from break!

Mon - Time for Trig, we learned about the ratios between the sides of a right triangle, specifically sohcahtoa (do you remember what it means?) and we practiced using them to find missing sides of triangles. 9.5 was assigned

Tue - Ok, so now we know how to use the sine, cosine, and tangent of angles to find sides, but can we use sides of triangles to figure out the missing angles (of course!) So we learned how to get the calculator to find the inverse sin, cos, and tan. 9.6 was assigned

Wed - Late start, hope you got great mileage out of the Resume workshop, summer school programs, and College Depot presentations!

Thu - Mr. Chapman is at the robotics competition, sophomores have an AIMS review packet to complete, juniors should work on their homework. Sophomores who finish their packets and juniors who complete at least 30 min of solid work can use the remainder of class to challenge people in online BLOKUS (or just keep working!)

Fri - same as Thursday, work hard, get things done, have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.

Spring Break

Quarter Grades are posted, hope you earned your goal!

Homework is to have fun and rest up.

For those looking to get ahead:
Keep going in Chapter 9 (10, 11, 12)
Start thinking about a final project that shows your mastery of geometry

Week 9 - Last week of the QUARTER!

Please ensure that you've turned in everything up through Ch.8, postings for Ch.9.1-9.4 and the Mousetrap Car/Paper Tower/Origami Mobile Project (8 origamis, on a hanging mobile)

Mon - 9.3 Classifying Triangles Using Pythag

Tue - 9.4 Special Right Triangles

Wed - Phinish up the quarter

Thu - Phix it Phriday (a little early this week ;-)

Fri - Breaking it down to Geometry...