Just to clarify for the end of the quarter, makeup work from pp55-59 are due by end of class Thursday.

The last notebook set for the quarter is due Thursday, and consists of:
60 = 3.1 N&GP
61 = 3.1 Odds
62 = 3.2 N&GP
63 = 3.2 Odds
64 = Some Qs for U (about points and planes and perpendicular constructions)
65 = 3.3 N&GP
66 = 3.3 Odds
Test review and analysis today - please complete your reflections and action plans on p.59
Mr. Chapman will be at a conference Thursday and Friday, please complete the following:

P62 - 3.2 Notes & Guided Practice
P63 - 3.2 Odds

After completion of these assignments, you can start to work on the sketchpad project(s)
Mr. Chapman will be at a conference Thursday and Friday, please complete the following:

P60 - 3.1 Notes & Guided Practice
P61 - 3.1 Odds

After completion of these assignments, you can start to work on the sketchpad project(s)

Mr. Chapman will be at a conference Thursday and Friday, please complete the following:

P60 - 3.1 Notes & Guided Practice
P61 - 3.1 Odds
P62 - 3.2 Notes & Guided Practice
P63 - 3.2 Odds

After completion of these assignments, you can start to work on the sketchpad project(s)
Test today :-) Let's see how well we know this material!

Since I will be at a conference on Friday, makeup work will be accepted next Monday in class.
Test tomorrow - round of applause for those who gave some very helpful presentations during class time.

P 58 is for the chapter review, make sure that you know your key vocab and concepts from the chapter!
We did a little project about proofs with Complementary Angles on p.55

56 & 57 = 2.6 Notes with Guided Practice, and then the remaining odds.

Short and sweet homework assignment for Ch2.5 (p53 = notes, p54 = odds)

If the two column proofs are confusing you, just take a moment to follow the logic of the steps. As time goes on, you'll get used to using the postulates, theorems, statements of equality, and definitions, but the most important thing is that you "get" the concepts used in each step!

Don't forget to review the section on constructing copies of line segments.

We saw how we could use our algebra skills in geometry - and we're now working towards developing our skills for making formal proofs...

P51 = 2.4 Notes
P52 = 2.4 Odds
Quiz today - notes on p.50
Syllogisms p-->q q-->r

P48 2.3 Notes
P49 2.3 Odds

Don't forget to complete the questions on P.47

Congrats to those of you geniuses out there who already solved Einstein's logic puzzle (and good luck to those still working on it!)

P47 Logic Puzzles!

For an extra challenge, try solving Einstein's logic puzzle - he predicted that 98% of the world's population would never be able to figure it out...
P45 2.2 Notes
P46 2.2 Odds
Logic puzzles

P --> Q Conditional Statement
~P --> ~Q Inverse
Q --> P Converse
~Q --> ~P Contrapositive

Let's try some logic puzzles

We spent a bit more time on logic - we want to be sure to have our fundamentals in place for our deeper investigations into geometry.

New handout to add to P43, and we have a new progress report to place in our small sections notebooks and bring signed by parent/guardian tomorrow! Please finish the 2.1 odds on P44...
Logic puzzles - how puzzling
We learned about conditional statements (IF-THEN) and how to see if two things are truly equivalent by forming the inverse, converse, and the contrapositive.

We'll pick up on Monday where we left off, in the meantime, please complete P43 2.1 Notes, and P44 2.1 Odds

Seems like the review quizzes and tests worked, nice job on the test everyone (and great job getting your questions answered today during the test analysis)

Please complete the test analysis questions tonight on p42

Remember, tomorrow is Friday, the day to submit makeup work for pp.32-37, and your supplementary angle projects should be completed by now!
We took a test today on Ch.1 material - tonight's HW is up to you, some may work on their supplementary angle project, some may finish some old work, and some may work on P41 (the Ch.1 review problems)...

A little Ch.1 Test tomorrow - nice job on the reference posters today, some of you are going for bonus points! - just make sure to turn them in and post them prior to the start of class tomorrow!

If you'd like to see how you're doing before taking the test, try some of the sample online quizzes and tests (see the new link at the top of this page)

P41 will be for the Chapter Review, if necessary... If you think you need the practice, feel free to do it for homework tonight.