Cool storm last night, and we also made some solid group decisions on how to improve our classroom learning process...

P38 = Ch1.7 Notes (Guided practice is included in our note-taking process now)

P39 = Ch1.7 Odds (you can skip these guided practices if you want, since such practice is included in our class activities)

P40 = Quiz 1#3

Please be prepared for the review on Tuesday, followed by our Chapter Test on Wednesday
P.36 is 1.6 evens, tomorrow is Friday, last day for fixing any late work on pp.23-31!

We're almost to a chapter test, start reviewing and making sure that you're getting your questions answered...

How is the project going? Looks like most of the computers are now solidly updated and running well - see me if you have problems.

P35 will be your self-eval test (found in the text after section 1.5)

Today we blew through section 1.6 (P36)and focused on the important things - how to create a manipulative that will allow us to visualize our geometric endeavors - through the software program Geometer's Sketchpad. (see example 1) You received your first technological project, please show it to me when you complete it. (see example of assignment) Those of you with continuing computer issues, please see me during lunch so we can work out any remaining kinks!

We reviewed how to make constructions of segment and angle bisectors, then worked on our 1.5 evens (P34)

Today, we investigated bisecting line segments and angles, using folding and/or compasses

Tonight, please do 1.5 Notes & GP on p.33

HW is Ch1.4 evens on p.32

Reminder, today was the last day to fix/receive credit on pp.1-21.

You have until classtime on Friday next week to recitfy/complete/correct any issues on pp.22-31.

We evaluated our performance on Quiz 1#1 on p.30
1.4 Guided practice on P.31
recommend, but don't require (yet) that you start on 1.4 evens on P.32

Another special day today, with Small Sections, Town Hall, and a few special activities for you all to enjoy! Josten's is on campus for the sophomores and juniors, we'll find your true colors, and perhaps a few other things...

Special day today - we have custom training direct from Apple, who has flown in some excellent individuals to help us get the most out of our laptops...since the freshmen will be using our room, we'll be meeting in Mr. Enrique's classroom...

p.30 Quiz 1#1 - ready to trade & grade by start of class on Thursday (Why not Wednesday? - show up and find out) <--

We spent some time working on distance formulas and pythagorean theorem...
Chapter 1.3 Evens go on P.29

Distance formula, postulates, Pythagorean theorem...

Please create an index of postulates on pp16-17 as we go

HW was Ch1.3 Notes, Vocab, Postulates, and Guided Practice on P.28

Don't forget to work on your self-portrait in photobooth!

We worked a bit on 1.2 evens (P.27), answered some logistical questions about notebooks, and figured out how to play the pattern game in a way that lets everyone participate fairly...

HW - P27, 1.2 Evens

We learned about patterns in sets, checked our work on 1.1, and started 1.2

HW tonight is 1.2 Goals, Vocab, and Guided Practice on P.26
Don't forget to try the exercise with the two note cards (it's in the textbook)

HW tomorrow night is 1.2 Evens on P.27

Checked our work on P.24 (Ch1.1 Notes & Guided Practice)

Started our HW on p.25 (Ch1.1 Evens)

And we tested our math speed..... can you break the 2 minute barrier?

Hopefully, you are starting to get the pattern for notebook organization - remember, generally if we're talking page numbers, it's in the notebook, if we talk chapters, we're talking about the text.

We had some discussion about homework norms, and notetaking tidbits, and after our discussion about airports, we completed the review questions together.

p.24 was notes & guided practice for CH 1.1 (Do all 11 Guided practice problems)
p.25 will be the homework problem set for CH1.1 (12-70 evens)

HW finish p.24 (see the homework norms for specific instructions - title, goals, vocab, guided practice)

We spent some time sharing our favorite patterns and examining the nature of patterns in general
p.15 Whiteboarding Norms (still in process this week)
pp.16-17 Postulates (Two columns optional)
pp.18-21 Theorems
Quiz #1
Student feedback

HW - p.22 Find the part of your book that describes the patterns for how airport runways are named, complete the missing runway names, and then do some research to determine the names of the three Sky Harbor airport runways.
p.23 - Ch.1 Skill Review #1-16
Please complete the info sheet

pp.10-11 Kind of Student We Want - we discussed and wrote down thoughts about our four design principles:
Scholarly Endeavors, Authentic Experiences, Multiple Perspectives, and Personalization
pp.12-13 Tower, draft designs, and final products with comments and post-processing
we then discussed the nature of patterns - repetitive and predictable

HW p.14 - find a pattern in nature and describe it

Today we spent some time discussing the importance of notebooks as learning aids, organized them for the semester, and then discussed the various tower designs and how geometry can play a part in architectural projects.

pp.1-4 Table of Contents (two columns each page)
pp.5-7 Vocabulary Boxes
pp.8-9 PFS

HW - review and initial the Plan for Success with your parent(s).

Paper Towers today - WOW! Every group managed to build towers high enough for full credit, with a new rookie record of 149cm set in the AM, and then bested with a 186cm effort in the PM!

HW: On a half sheet of paper, draw your tower, state the best measured height, and describe what you would do differently to have a taller tower next time.

A bound lab-notebook is needed for class tomorrow

Welcome to the Geometry Blog for BioScience High School!

Hosted by Mr. Chapman

Some notation notes - when we talk about the notebook, we'll say "p.16"; when we want to refer to the text, we'll say "section 1.1", or "text page 652".

Today was a short meeting following our morning activites, we spent some time discussing the shared vision of our school and how it applies to the learning process, and then we adjourned with a mental homework assignment regarding a competition tomorrow...please document at least two potential designs!

Also, please have a bound lab notebook (graph paper HIGHLY recommended) for class on Wednesday